9 August 2014

Baking With Spirit: August 2014

Hello, and welcome back to a Baking With Spirit that is hosted by Cake Of The Week. I hope you enjoyed the challenges hosted by The Usual Saucepans and I'd Much Rather Bake Than... and that you've found plenty of inspiration in their round ups. Many thanks to Laura and Craig for giving me a little break!

I had a pretty good idea for this month, but you may have noticed I had some technical difficulties at the start of the month and so accessing and getting around the blog was harder than normal. Because of that, I waited a few extra days to post the challenge to ensure maximum accessibility, but it does mean that you all have less time to come up with an idea. I'm sorry it took so long to get this up.

My solution is to hold off with my idea until next month, and in the mean time the challenge is to just go crazy and do whatever you want, as long as you're doing something with alcohol. If you want to make a cocktail that's cool, or if you want to go down our more traditional baking route, that's cool too.

Don't forget to spread the word about the challenge; it's only still going because of the entries it receives! 

If you want a chance to host Baking With Spirit, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Here are the rules:
  1. Make something where the recipe includes alcohol
  2. Write a post about it and include a link to this page and Cake Of The Week.
  3. Email me at cakeoftheweek@hotmail.co.uk
  4. Deadline is midnight BST on the 28th August

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Did you try this recipe? Let me know what you think! Comments are always appreciated. Unless they are spam.